Monday, June 01, 2009
Don't Miss
First, let me say that I think the trailer is amazing. Twilight won all the awards possible last night (almost) but it also won in the exclusive trailer/clip arena. As a Harry Potter fan as well, I was sorely disappointed to find out that the clip was a slightly extended version of one of the trailers. Moreover, the cast didn't even attend the awards to present the "exclusive" footage. Fail. Twilight, on the other hand, rocked my world. From earlier last week when I saw the first 14 seconds to today when I finished my fifteenth view of the trailer, I've been captivated in body and mind. Edward, Bella, Jacob and the rest of the characters in this wonderfully angst-ridden novel have come to life. When I start rereading New Moon (again) tonight, I know my imagination will take off from where this trailer started. I will love New Moon. No doubt.
So, starting from the beginning of the trailer:
Hit: The first 14 seconds are so beautiful. There are no words. The Edward and Bella kiss is great. We all know what she really wanted for her birthday.
Hit: The love confession is pure gushy romance perfection.
Hit: Alice's over-enthusiasm. I really wanted Alice and Bella to develop a deep friendship in New Moon and this looks promising.
Miss: Am I forgetting something? Why does Edward look so upset at the beginning of Bella's party? Did they just have the "I want to be a vampire like you" fight before this? He looks like he's going to kill Esme as she hugs Bella.
Hit: Rosalie, however, is supposed to be scowling at the party and
Miss: After Jasper tries to attack Bella, Rosalie looks concerned. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't happen.
Hit: The goodbye scene. It's going to break my heart. I know it. Also, we don't get any
Miss: Why, oh why couldn't they just give me Edward's Meadow? This scene is taking place in a meadow but it's definitely not Edward's. Edward's meadow would be much prettier.
Slight Miss: So at first I was really bothered because in the book, the wolf pack saves Bella from Laurent and she doesn't know it's Jacob. It adds to the suspense and the eventual reveal. In the trailer, it looks like Jacob phases in front of Bella to save her from Laurent but it's very clearly two scenes. She's wearing a brown jacket in one and a blue jacket with her backpack on in the other. I don't know how the werewolf reveal will work out, but I hope it's good.
Concern: The CGI is very "Chronicles of Narnia" and I actually didn't like the CGI for those movies so I'm a bit concerned about the werewolves.
Overall, I squealed so much there's no denying how much I love this trailer. 11.20.09 is burned into my brain. I can't help but sit and wait in anticipation. Check out the slideshow of my analysis to see all the pictures that go along with my comments:
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